Sunday, January 24, 2010

Can You Do Mma With Genital Herpes

Of the announced withdrawals

"Every Word Written Is A Victory Against Death"
Michel Butor

Since the beginning of this blog in 2005 much has been written, little has been published and has been exposed enough. The experiences have been varied and it is important to recognize that the author was so deeply in love with this blog that had not been so great things. She would have loved just for being you.

The Blog at times and texts reflected the author's life, from 2007 to 2008, each post was dotted with intimacy and the reader could take a look at a world as large as the letters to told. At other times and texts reflected the blog at a glance, a thought, a criticism or an attitude ... reflected in any case was always a hint of the author; hue involuntarily exposed in many cases, completely volunteer in as many and some even manipulated by its author. Texts was deeply relaxing, moments reflected in letters that allowed the author to encapsulate perfect moments. There was also hell written, perfect storms and endless silences ... there were people and places that have transpired not to be embodied in words.

The blog over the years has documented the growth of author. This blog is emotional crutches, anonymous notes, post declaratory, manifestos and conditions ... the blog is the author, the blog is Coffee Girl.

Needless to say, almost 5 years into the life of the author has changed.
The blog so far is insufficient and the attention of the author towards the same has been limited. I think it is not fair to the Blog or to the author who thinks he at fault for leaving ... the letters did not end, words and stories continue to flow increase, it's just that time, space and the need to save some letters only to have complicated the author publications.
The author has announced a couple of times a temporary retirement along the almost 5 years, this time more than a blog withdrawal is imperative to put on the shelf of texts. It is imperative to do what the author should have done 12 months ago and saved the letters, words, silence in order to take further steps, stages wonderful who left breathless.

The manuscript with me again some months ago, letters have always been my heart and I can not imagine my life without writing, without reading ... without reading. I love the lyrics, I live in my words and the respect that it deserves to give their time then to pens and paper, the text editing programs and personal issues.

Enjoy a life full of letters.

be back!

"Every author in Some Way portrays Himself in His works, Even If It Be Against His will "
Johann Wolfgang Goethe