observations about art and space bring a configuration that takes place within a boundary, as an inside and outside limited. Thus enters the game space. A space that can be inhabited by a plastic piece, shaped like a closed volume, drilling, casting, etc., And always be enigmatic.
space stubbornly continues to push modern human beings to their ultimate and absolute control, and modification. The art space, the space of everyday life with their actions and movements, urban spaces, all revolve around this project exhibition of 'domiciled discreet. "
The question of what the space as space is made and there is no response. Unclear is also "be the space" and the power to award him a way of being. According to Martin Heidegger behind the space, apparently, there is nothing to which engrossed. In front, there is an alibi to something else and the sameness of space is only shown from himself. While not experience the sameness of space, remain in shadows talking about a place of art. The way in space and work through the piece of art we expected with all its uncertainty.
In space you can find the plastic form as a given, the space can enclose the volume of the figure, and exist as empty, leading to the free, open it, later to stand and reach living human being.
The space determines, in itself, the release of sites, where the destinies of man existing project to the future. Thus, the space prepared in the EACC Bernard Bazile originates place preparing to turn the habit of 'looming discrete' because it frees the site where the "space" is made and where events are enclosed, allowing the emergence of feelings that are directed at the inhabitants.
addition, the space admits the possibility of co-relative to belong in their own direction, as well as it belongs to each of us from within and from their very existence. His character is rapture. The site or place opens every time a state or an occasion, finding things there, in co-ownership with visitors. In this corner of the game is played, in the sense of hiding and let things released to their own devices.
open space called the vastness and means at the same time: keeping the encounter things in their co-ownership. Thus, as Heidegger would have to meet then in what form and how this game co-ratio is free from the vastness of the place the transfer of the co-ownership of things. The game co-related art and space would have to think from the experience of the site and the viewer in situ. However, it is essential for this project of 'domiciled discrete' conception of space as a liberation and a nest of perceptions and feelings that grow and accumulate throughout the show.