Sunday, October 8, 2006

Wake On Lan With Wmp54g

1 - A schizophrenic is unimpeachable in all his actions, or only in connection with or arising from their delusion? "

Answer: D. Salvador Porras Obeso. Psychiatrist Hospital Liaison Elda.

With my recent title of psychiatrist started my first job in Cáceres Provincial Health Complex, as they liked to call and who was no other place that the Provincial Psychiatric Hospital: In my first steps in Extremadura (1984-1987) was director of the early late Dr. Jose Luis Villegas Brown, affable and easy verb with whom exchanged views at the end of the day to day task.

One of those days was expansive and began to speak of the dialectical fights coming in the years before having to judges, prosecutors and judges in the hearings of the Province (Cáceres and Plasencia). Had for years been arguing that "we must judge the particular criminal act and its circumstances regardless of whether the person who commits it or not mentally ill." Was proud to have contributed to this view prevailed in the proceedings of justice in the Province of its influence with the law remained an excellent personal and professional relationship and I would add that every Friday going through the acute ward for a judge assessing the income of the week and check for outrages were committed. "It was a clinical session in which we explained the reasons for their psychiatrists' and the Judge took note and asked us aspects of interest.
Dr. Villegas
me started on forensic issues, filling out the information deficit just finished my residency and why you frequently cite as collaboration between justice and psychiatry was fluid and there are many details that have the inevitable catatímica deformation and the distance between the facts and these stories. Alicante

July 23, 2006

Answer: D. Salvador Porras Obeso. Liaison Psychiatrist, Hospital de Elda.
describe a brief example as they have been things in the past and could have been. I was in charge of two middle-aged men at that time, in the eighties, one has already died many years after I changed workplace. Were admitted to have killed one or both parents, can not remember the details and never saw the sentence, both acted in this way when they were about twenty years and in the course of a psychotic break, I guess they were found not criminally responsible and sentenced to be cared for at a psychiatric hospital. Nobody gave me less labor than those two people, one of which I verbalized his regret to leave that center and abandoned a meleril 50 (thioridazine, withdrawn in 2005) per day had more than 20 years admitted, were enrolled without any deterioration, were perfectly adapted to the city would fulfill specific orders as fetch and carry the mail, etc ... one of them died of old in the middle.
Dr. Don Jose Luis told me his fears .. who dares to give them up?, Who sends to His people with what they did?, What's the solution? .. We knew we could live in flats assisted and earn an honest living. There was this montage yet. "Admitted was just holding them for a lifetime?, Would not it have been better to declare eligible and once served the sentence would go out?. Alicante

July 25, 2006
Answer: D. Salvador Porras Obeso. Liaison Psychiatrist, Hospital de Elda.
Focusing on answering the question of whether all acts of a schizophrenic are not criminally liable should say no. The acts relating to or arising out of their delusions and hallucinations if they would not be prosecuted and possibly not ever. A schizophrenic in his delusions would want revenge for a real or imaginary affront, spend much time mulling over this idea and plan to run when you have time and even leave the treatment to silence their inhibitions and feelings of guilt and when the time acting as a plan .. would be attributable largely developed in spite of his delirium. Alicante
August 1, 2006
Answer: D. Salvador Porras Obeso. Liaison Psychiatrist, Hospital de Elda.
So far we assume that we understand the concept to liability or that of his opponent: insanity.

Should be considered right or wrong speech next?:

The binomial accountability-insanity deserves some comments as they are the positive and negative attributes of the subject at the right time to perform an act which in itself is dualistic and consensus is lawful or unlawful according to which society deems good or bad, worthy of reward or punishment, with desirable qualities or objectionable.

Comparative law criminal codes match in charge to the subject award or illegal and reprehensible acts, in short, blame those who do not behave in a socially acceptable manner. So when the act of accountability and guilt are inseparable.

The accountability / culpability required to act upon the subject of integrity has the intellect and will, in more colloquial terms is to say that the subject at that time is of sound mind, understands and understand whether it is lawful or unlawful act (understood or realized) and enjoyed the freedom to choose or not to consummate the act (will not impaired in cognitive and affective). If the intellect and the will were altered at the time of the act there is no guilt or accountability and therefore there is insanity.

And the following speech?:

The accountability is a concept neutral is to attribute an act to an individual who has been free to implement the act. The act itself may be objectionable, premiable or neutral, no matter. The important thing is that the subject has knowledge and freedom in its execution so that the act is attributable or unimpeachable. The accountability has nothing to do with guilt, has to do with the knowledge and the freedom to run or not. Cantabria
August 4, 2006
Answer: D. Salvador Porras Obeso. Liaison Psychiatrist, Hospital de Elda.
penal code endlessly insists that for accountability at the time of the act must be understood and understand that it is lawful or unlawful. Ignores the automatic acts, those running without thinking, which are made of "memory" because it was dedicated in the past a lot of training to just "not think" but "run" and in these situations it does not rely on temporary transfer to get immunity from prosecution, would not imputable to do without thinking what he did for so long just to avoid questions and act automatically, in short it acts without any freedom ..

This course could include certain situations, law enforcement officials to remain in or out of a situation similar to many other experienced acts automatically as it always did in the past with acceptable results socially and would be at least partially immune from prosecution if it is clear that there was no plan about simulator. Cantabria
August 8, 2006
Answer: D. Salvador Porras Obeso. Liaison Psychiatrist, Hospital de Elda.
few letters on the apportionment, recently premiered at the psychiatric hospital Plasencia awarded me as an assistant to Sister Early, assistant clinical exercised about forty years if that happened were added in the late hospital care and sick Merida mental and sister of charity, who saw to it that pass through my office for an interview with them hundred-something male patients, chronic unit went to my office.

One of the interviewees had no way to take a pledge until I asked the reason for your stay in the hospital. He was often nothing short grumpy and until he said the reason for his entry: "killing a man": I asked him where and he said that in the field, "came from the front in a way." I kept asking if they knew they had spoken, offended, threatened or something similar getting no for an answer. When asked why he killed he said, "because I was there" and "I told ya see a azadazo ..".." herding him across the head and was dry."

I thought here today while walking through the pedestrian lane of a country road where I've come across to strangers "who tried to greet", I passed a walker preceded by the panting of a dog that pissed me first moved slightly while the dog owner, I have spent with farms with dogs barking in my presence which was reminding his space and mine, I have not dared to photograph a dog standing on the front of his farm and that was noticeable, but instead I photographed the cover of another farm that had two stone dogs on both sides of the cover.

In my walk I conclude that this patient killed a man for being there at the wrong time just as you would separate the head from the body of a certain hack to a snake that had crossed his path "would not have had occasion to do it with a hare, fox and dog had been in charge of keeping a prudent distance hominid dangerous. The meeting was not a bend in the road in which both frightened, they were at least a few meters, enough for internal dialogue "and see what awaits you." Acted instinctively possibly knocking down one thing that moved, reflecting the persistence in clay pigeon shooting, hunting and war.

Probably the patient was a cultural and delayed at least not in their custody issues raised in the three years that was in my office. The act is incomprehensible, and no signs of repentance, it was assumed that had the mentality of a child (not criminally responsible in the Roman code to ten and a half years and now that life expectancy increases antilog is delayed at fourteen) or an Indian (in the law of some South American countries is a true Indian knows no rules of non-indigenous and would be unimpeachable) or the less severe mentally retarded. The

less curious is the behavior of a man in the solitude of the countryside and in a perfectly structured institution. He just happens to contact us socialize with peers and that isolation rural is difficult to know the meaning of "Do not kill a fellow." Cantabria

August 17, 2006 Results: D. Salvador Porras Obeso. Liaison Psychiatrist, Hospital de Elda.
1-are described and extremes of patient held in a mental hospital by court order.
2-The first two cases suffered from freedom to act and did so in the course of a psychotic episode. Given his background raises the question of when to allow them to live without custody and if there had been more fortunate if they had accused his act and served time in prison.
3-The third case suffered from knowledge and intellectual resources to live independently and did not proceed consider any reintegration.
4-Clearly there is a difference between automatic and unplanned events that deserve attention in other sections.
Conclusions: We could conclude by defining the Liability as a psychopathological concept in which an action (good, neutral or bad) is assigned to a subject that requires two elements: knowledge and freedom.
August 30, 2006
Note: Included in the texts findings that some colleagues did to me privately and whose names do not appear until they choose freely.


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