Thursday, April 24, 2008

Father Son Penis Size Relationship

Of the ghosts ...

All we have faced some element of someone past, including his own in more than one occasion.

There are ghosts that appear occasionally to remind us just how much we've changed and grown, what we have learned and improved.

There are ghosts that appear with greater frequency with adverse intent.

There are ghosts that we bring to this with the sole purpose of being a point of comparison with the actions of those who affect our present.

I think the ghosts should be just some of the attitudes of people who passed through our lives by marking it in some way, fulfilled a cycle and left. That is all. There should be more.

I think the ghosts should be only a few situations that we left a scar that will probably remain with us for some time.

I believe in the responsibility that comes with bringing ghosts of the past to compare with this.

I believe in the freedom of each one of us if allowed ...


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