Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Should I Wait For Psp2

Adeste Fideles

"... en grege relicto, humiles ad cunas, vocatis pastores approperant. Et nos ovanti gradu festinemus, venite adoremus, venite adoremus, venite adoremus Dominum. Aeterni Parentis splendorem aeternum, velatum sub carne videbimus delum infantem, pannis involutum, venite adoremus, venite adoremus, venite adoremus Dominum. Pro nobis egenum et foeno cubamtem, piis foveamus, amplexibus; sic nos amantem quis nos redamaret?, Adoremus Venite, Adoremus Venite, Venite Adoremus Dominum "

Same beginning as previous years ...
Far from lack of creative thinking, think again at this time that invites reflection, in which We take the time to slowly open your eyes and look at the world we live in, look at the reflection in the mirror and look carefully every detail that surrounds us. This year it does not want to close my eyes or look away at everything around me .. . I can not help looking at the young homeless, broken homes, violence in the world, the big differences between my life and so many other lives and marked with red again my shortcomings. I would breathe cold air and feel of new ESO that just feels in this age when everything seems a new opportunity to correct the "wrong way sometimes, to fix ourselves and with them change our way of seeing the world.

This year my life seems so different from what it used to be, with new needs that are impossible to fill holes left, cold so deep that there is no blanket that entertains me and flavor gaps left helplessness also looked at me and I see in other respects so complete, so happy in the new role, as full and peaceful life that I can not stop thinking about the families who for some reason are not complete. I

again invite you to reflect on the meaning of the celebration tonight.

On this day before Christmas in which most of us share dinner with your loved ones, I wish each one of us devote a thought for those who will not, in those who can not dine in a home and who may not even dinner. I would like to raise you our thoughts about them and think about how to help, to help those who feel alone, to think of those words and smiles that can change a life. In this view we can change the world.

I invite you to also thank how lucky we are.

Leaving the other side of the door, my usual self, I sincerely wish for you peace and happiness that love will flood their hearts, we know we learn to forgive and be forgiven. Wish for the world to learn to understand, never forget that we are not perfect and know how to be humble. I wish you all peace and happiness and blessings they need they want. I wish you healthy enough and enough love, enough awareness of themselves and the world we live in, enough humility, peace eternal and infinite gratitude to you and your loved ones.

Again I invite you to take advantage of the time, the I invite you to look in the mirror, open your eyes to the world and stretch their hands to touch. I invite you to awaken and renew, to begin to change the world and try to be masters of what they are. This year again I call you LIVE!.


the tradition of previous years, the doors to the dinner tonight will remain open and the invitation is for everyone.

Friday, December 12, 2008

How Do I Put A Salon Sink At Home

The Twelve Days of Christmas! There heavens

Continuing the tradition of last year ... here is the list of what you receive within 12 days of Christmas!

For the twelve days of Christmas, your true love will send you:

drumming Eleven Twelve robots carolers a-caroling
Ten midgets a-leaping Nine ladies baking cookies

Eight alpacas a-milking Seven
fruitcakes a-festering
Santas a-hohohoing Six Five golden necklaces

booty calls calling
Four Three Two French Tourists

bottles of whiskey And a crazy homeless person in an apple tree

I definitely will do better than last year but stress the indigent insane to give me the apple tree, I have to pay attention to that detail, certainly something I try to say. I can not say much about the singers but sure to be great so I hope and no way I should clarify that I am excited about the robots.

Moreover, again receive bottles of whiskey (thank you!), I also thank the "ho ho ho" from Santa because they always encourage the alpacas as much as I like the ladies who bake cookies and fruit pies are very good!

Finally! I think this year I do like my presents!

Monday, December 8, 2008

5 Wks Low Soft Cervix Pregnancy

Two years ...

Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,
Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,

Silence the pianos and with muffled drum
Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.

Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead
Scribbling on the sky the message He Is Dead,
Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves,
Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.

He was my North, my South, my East and West,
My working week and my Sunday rest,
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;
I thought that love would last for ever: I Was Wrong.

The stars Are Not wanted now: put out Every One;
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun;
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood.
For nothing now to Any dog \u200b\u200bever eats good.

WH Auden

The blue sky can still look for all ... for the author is now a distinct blue, it's a different sky. The world is even a different place al que durante 24 años conocí.

Cada día sigue amaneciendo; el sol continúa apareciendo y eventualmente perdiéndose en el horizonte. La luna sigue orbitando... las estrellas son visibles desde cualquier punto y cada minuto alguien nace en este universo. Sin embargo hay cielos aún sin estrellas y mañanas sin sol; hay tardes de viento y hojas secas, hay días sin días, horas sin minutos y razones sin motivo. Hay logros sin compartirse, alegrías esporádicas y momentos perfectos que se nublan al pensar en su ausencia; hay cielos cambiantes que parecen cubrir todo con un manto de desamparo... el frío llega bones and numb the feelings, the tears freezing cold by rubbing the skin, voice breaking, crying becomes sharp swords stuck in the throat, chest is pressed against the cold metal plate is pressed, the Breathing becomes a feat and silence fills a world of words and letters suddenly demand to be reflected in a frenzy that could be compared to a drug ... there are gray skies, no more nuance than the pain. There are pale skies that taste absence is so dark skies that threaten to overshadow the memories and smiles. There are skies that look and others prefer not to remember that perfection is attainable and complete happiness is a path.

There are steps that must be taken, there are cycles that must be met and the time does not forgive, does not stop. Today they are the words of others who say what mine can not ...

"If God Could you see him tell you how much I Hated him?"

"It's an itch That I'll never stop scratching

It's a hole That I'll never remove fill"