Friday, December 12, 2008

How Do I Put A Salon Sink At Home

The Twelve Days of Christmas! There heavens

Continuing the tradition of last year ... here is the list of what you receive within 12 days of Christmas!

For the twelve days of Christmas, your true love will send you:

drumming Eleven Twelve robots carolers a-caroling
Ten midgets a-leaping Nine ladies baking cookies

Eight alpacas a-milking Seven
fruitcakes a-festering
Santas a-hohohoing Six Five golden necklaces

booty calls calling
Four Three Two French Tourists

bottles of whiskey And a crazy homeless person in an apple tree

I definitely will do better than last year but stress the indigent insane to give me the apple tree, I have to pay attention to that detail, certainly something I try to say. I can not say much about the singers but sure to be great so I hope and no way I should clarify that I am excited about the robots.

Moreover, again receive bottles of whiskey (thank you!), I also thank the "ho ho ho" from Santa because they always encourage the alpacas as much as I like the ladies who bake cookies and fruit pies are very good!

Finally! I think this year I do like my presents!


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