Sunday, September 27, 2009

Stomach Obstruction How Long To Live

Force Diesel U Music Festiva

Sometimes being a groupie has its rewards, and one night it is even more true if the TRE MEN Shake DO daddy pulled the roll and the school you across the face backstage. Of course the music was at the height of generalized buenrollismo VIP bracelets and copazo by pin flew as part of the tone of the night, that, with this crisis that grips also appreciated.

The absolute owners of the night were Alexis from Hot Chip, who knew how to mark the rhythm of the night by clicking the perfect music in each of the interludes, WAG, who despite seeing his attempt to shed truncation of pants by the organization managed to screw it brownish getting the public in the pocket, and The Terror Pigeon Dance Revolt!, which ran with crowds during and after their performance, and they knew precedence over technical problems with an A CAPELLAZA how only the most large (RIP) and I could do so. About Digitalisim and Crystal Fighters are going to have to ask another, because one can not have it both ways.

All without exception were the most treatable even rabble of my ilk in and out of backstage, making the night one of the most authentic eventazo for we knew we ride well. Grasias Diesel, about how next Saturday? / lawinehouse

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

5000 Units Of Heparin In 1ml Insulin Syringe


While the muse is not with me tonight or at least I fail to listen to so many thoughts in my head This is the first post of NEW BLOG and therefore in this first post I share this moment ... in a life full of eternal and second perfect moment, the changes I've experienced the last few months have meant moments magical moments that make everlasting desire to preserve the perfection of harmony.

Last May, after awakening from a pleasant dream with absolute certainty what happened, a blood sample confirmed that the dream shared by Alex became a really beautiful: I'm pregnant.

Today, almost 9 months of marriage I have now almost 5 months of happy and healthy pregnancy ... 5 months of pregnancy a wonderful and magic that brought a star reflected in my coffee every morning.

The letters began to be restricted by what I learned is that ... nothing was more necessary to feel my belly, nothing is more pleasant than knowing I am responsible for another being, no post, no text, no chapter may be advanced most wonderful dream your eyes and feel their movements. Anyway I live surrounded by words and phrases and ideas fed so I could not get away for much of my old passion points. Now that I have resumed reading obsessive, compulsive writing and constant composition, the wisest course was to begin this space, away from my most beloved Chronicles of Anagnorisis to share another anagnorisis; giving life. This deserved a new and unique space.

Anagnorisis Chronicles will remain, my fairytale alternative is part of me, I'm part of it and will remain so for a long time but now I will also be part of it, this magical space devoted to this perfect moment .

then start this new blog, a blog different from my most beloved Chronicles. A blog is not intended to keep my head explodes due to a number of ideas generated, a blog that not only seeks to preserve this moment as you can keep sóbloletras. Keep the feeling that everything is However, the scent of coconut cream and bamboo, the skin smooth and refreshing moisture from showers, blow raindrops on my body and constantly changing set ... these letters claim to preserve the magic that you can now play and the miracle that can be felt.

know I'm not the first pregnant woman but certainly I recognize that I am the center of a perfect universe, illuminated by starlight reflected in my coffee and the glow of the moon. It starts here.


Sunday, September 6, 2009

Free Birthday Speech For Dad

powdered glass

“Everyone sees the unseen in proportion to the clarity of his heart, and that depends upon how much he has polished it. Whoever has polished it more sees more - more unseen forms become manifest to him."

-Jalal ad-Din Rum

Bien... I can certainly articulate endless excuses to justify the silence of the past 7 months I have never doubted my potential to devise explanations that can be convincing. The truth is that I keep the excuses and reasons to remain silent the time.
This time the author does not transcribe words to justify their silence and allowing this post to clear his own glass.

have ever tried to deal with fogged glass?
abroad have attempted to distinguish through a dusty glass?
I've done.

The result is disastrous and is obviously the glasses through which we see abroad act as a filter, obscuring the images when they want and beautify the landscape when we need it. I think it works the same way with the soul and our perception of life and people, and through our crystal we know the world appreciate the figures we recognize, know new images, observe people and we look to us.

probably not realize the state of cleanliness of our inner glass, in a complex way is to recognize that something is wrong with us so we should be much simpler to think that people are wrong that the world is gray and that certain images are dark or much more complicated than they might actually be ... effect of powdered glass, of course. Then it is impossible to see things as they really are, we could not correctly describe a landscape where our glass is dirty, we might mistake the beauty of trees, sky color and size of the mountains. The vague description of a landscape may not pose a greater problem than the same imprecision but ... What happens when it comes to images with feelings, voices and stories?.

Hayes there ... others looking through a dusty glass. Great people can now go virtually unnoticed, good people may seem harmless and enemies become friends through this particular glass. Our reactions and attitudes toward the world and people around us are disturbed by the images we perceive and the result, like trying to driving a vehicle with a glass, darkly ... is disastrous.

The problem is not found in other people and hardly what we find in ourselves until it happens ... until a finger, a cloth, a brush reaches our glass and the small space that is clean we can see the clarity ... such clarity that seems a result of those storms, similar to that clarity that comes with the sun at dawn. The cleanup is not easy, certainly at that time the damage will be enormous and there are even some that are impossible to repair but ... also this is part of the storm by which all must pass through sometime.

Clarity hurts, it hurts the eyes and awakens the sleeping soul, it is difficult to awaken, to adapt to living with light and heat after staying in shadows. Like the stages of life, everything happens and as we adapt to situations gray can also adapt to the colors we can always learn from mistakes and try again, remaining alert to the state of the lens through which we know the eventually polished exterior and trying to keep the dust return to cloud our vision.

The clarity with which we see the world depends on the clarity of our soul ... stained soul resentments and fears can never recognize the light of true love and have it lit before him.