Wednesday, September 16, 2009

5000 Units Of Heparin In 1ml Insulin Syringe


While the muse is not with me tonight or at least I fail to listen to so many thoughts in my head This is the first post of NEW BLOG and therefore in this first post I share this moment ... in a life full of eternal and second perfect moment, the changes I've experienced the last few months have meant moments magical moments that make everlasting desire to preserve the perfection of harmony.

Last May, after awakening from a pleasant dream with absolute certainty what happened, a blood sample confirmed that the dream shared by Alex became a really beautiful: I'm pregnant.

Today, almost 9 months of marriage I have now almost 5 months of happy and healthy pregnancy ... 5 months of pregnancy a wonderful and magic that brought a star reflected in my coffee every morning.

The letters began to be restricted by what I learned is that ... nothing was more necessary to feel my belly, nothing is more pleasant than knowing I am responsible for another being, no post, no text, no chapter may be advanced most wonderful dream your eyes and feel their movements. Anyway I live surrounded by words and phrases and ideas fed so I could not get away for much of my old passion points. Now that I have resumed reading obsessive, compulsive writing and constant composition, the wisest course was to begin this space, away from my most beloved Chronicles of Anagnorisis to share another anagnorisis; giving life. This deserved a new and unique space.

Anagnorisis Chronicles will remain, my fairytale alternative is part of me, I'm part of it and will remain so for a long time but now I will also be part of it, this magical space devoted to this perfect moment .

then start this new blog, a blog different from my most beloved Chronicles. A blog is not intended to keep my head explodes due to a number of ideas generated, a blog that not only seeks to preserve this moment as you can keep sóbloletras. Keep the feeling that everything is However, the scent of coconut cream and bamboo, the skin smooth and refreshing moisture from showers, blow raindrops on my body and constantly changing set ... these letters claim to preserve the magic that you can now play and the miracle that can be felt.

know I'm not the first pregnant woman but certainly I recognize that I am the center of a perfect universe, illuminated by starlight reflected in my coffee and the glow of the moon. It starts here.



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