Currently, urban space is governed by large shopping centers, corporate towers, perimeter grounds, ample parking and massive capacity enclosures. These architectural models of this materialized in iron and glass have made us forget the traditions that formed and gave an identity to our city. In this situation, the videos of Bernard Bazile, Antonio Ortega and Cesare Pietroiusti and images of the artists can explore Denicolai & Provoost New features of the space we inhabit collectively, the urban landscape, which consists of tall buildings and tourist resorts, unify shapes and lattice types systematically repeated a complicit relationship between tradition and way of life with the frantic pace of a typical city. Still, we wonder what is the urban, how it arises and what its potential characteristics and effects on our lives. These are some of the issues that arise when facing their works.
is not novel to point out that the reality we have always interpreted through the relationships that we offer images. The photographic technique and, more digital, have been opened and strengthened this conception. Thus, the image is not only an interpretation of reality, but also functions as a vestige or trace of the real live. As a caricature or a cartoon drawing, that keeps us both on us. Photographs of people frequenting the Mercat Central de Castelló or fishermen slaughter of Denicolai & Provoost Grao make us accessible, instantaneously, to outside realities for many of us, though not without difficulty or ambiguity, since we access these ways of life temporarily, through a distance, ie a distance from our daily reality.
If this work presented here, alter the way we look and therefore, our relationship with reality, we can say that we also provide an area for rethinking the relations we have with the urban landscape our taking up residence. The exhibited works bring us closer to a new kind of perception, and with it the possible correlation that may arise from the urban and the masses, spaces accelerated subconscious places, the political conditions of temporal and spatial practices, with the traces that human beings left in these places, which constitute the element of culture. It creates a dynamic relationship of our artists with the inhabitants of the city as part of a group dynamic, where the human being becomes more visible in the space it occupies.
The images of this exhibition project of the Espai d'Art Contemporani de Castelló are shown in different environments - indoor and outdoor - for us to understand the effects of these on the emotions and behaviors people. Thus, they represent social relationships and linkages, which leads to consider the urban space as a mobile site, dialectical and constantly changing.
In this context, the art opens a way suitable to analyze social patterns and the effects thereof in the production environment of space. There is a back and forth between artistic practice and the space between imagination and reality, thus creating a rhythm in the time between this exhibition and its city. Thus, the art plays a critical and transformative role that helps us recognize what place we are and where we are headed.
Alexandra Text
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