Being is moving or is nothing, has a great ability to move, adapt and overcome any adversity and learn through experience over the course of life.
thus speaks of the resilience of the living power to overcome any setback. Our brain is nourished by the stimuli that cause pleasure but also learns adverse and painful circumstances. Though surprisingly we have a great ability to overcome pain.
Resilience is based on the representation of the pairs of concepts creation / destruction or disintegration / reintegration, and in recreating the beauty of decay from which life is generated and the analysis of the relationship between humans and nature. Interspersed anatomical structures and physiological plant with human in order to create life, and of course, hope. Zaera bet on the malleability and ductility of the elements of organic matter, and deceptive fragility that can endure being.
That hope immersed in the entire work of Rossana Zaera returns us to the concept of resilience title of this series and is not nothing but the ability to live. The images we see show buried human bones and skeletons, in short, reflect the death and the inert. Although once again the hope illuminates the darkness surrounding death with outbreaks insufflated again a spark of life, capturing well the cyclical sense of life becoming.
Luis Rojas notes that human resilience is both a natural and universal survival, which is composed of ingredients of biological, psychological and social, so when we discuss the psychological term resilience we are talking about living. The human being, like, that vegetation tends, in the words of Maeterlinck, to freedom, to break the narrow sphere, to invent or invoke wings, to escape as far as possible, conquer the space that encloses the destination, close to another realm, enter a world movent and lively ...
Thus, we should take as an example in our daily lives the prodigious efforts of disobedience, courage, perseverance and ingenuity of a flower about to bloom with endless adversity against.
In his next series titled "Memory Boxes" Rossana memory works hand in hand with playwrights, poets and essayists such as Friedrich Schiller, Walt Whitman, Maurice Maeterlinck and the renowned psychiatrist Luis Rojas Marcos, who claims memory is necessary for the survival of the animal kingdom, but in humans is much larger, since we have several types of memory, starting with the two most important: the verbal and emotional. Without our memories we would be homeless wanderers in our own way.
Rossana Zaera, is sheathed in work of introspection and retrospection in this series where the boxes get to catch the essence of life through memory. However, the closed box contains all kinds of emotions and conveys a myriad of sensations to the viewer, from grief, anger, loneliness, tenderness, sorrow to joy and happiness.
This box-set releases the emotional labyrinth of the artist unleashes memories and encounters with children at the same time preserves and saves it with apprehension in space.
memory boxes are staging, scenery, scenes from memory, that is, it would be the scenery of the physical environment of the artist who recreates his own experiences embodied in the boxes. This execution paradoxically leads us to the immaterial, the dream world of dreams, we could actually talk about poetic objects that we face the very reality. Resilience
both as memory boxes, Rossana poet the world of emotions through the transformation and reflection of space-time. It combines the meaning of life and his future with his own introspection. Develop a game of opposites, maintains the tension between the origin and outcome of human existence while pretending to preserve and safeguard the death destructible memories, experiences and emotions in a shoebox. Aims and, in practice and transcribe the memory while the human body is consumed.
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