Thursday, May 19, 2011
Pokemon Clean Doujinshi
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Magnesium Adenomyosis

For the thirty-sixth anniversary the assassination of Father Carlos Mugica , is being conducted in Solidarity Youth debate to commemorate the work of the Father, not only in the Villa 31, but as a strong social emblem. At this time, and finished the film, colleagues, friends and neighbors, we are discussing in our office constantly flowing dichotomy between ideology and religion. Feelings that resonate with present and can be traced back to the father figure.
Participants are given a present with the image and a famous phrase from Carlos Mugica.
say sorry for not live by bread alone man, not fight it all to rescue their bread. - Carlos Mugica
Communication Area
Solidarity Youth
Monday, May 9, 2011
Como Se Dice Bumps En Espanol?

The invitation does not include only the core of the organization, but the headquarters, located at Rodríguez Peña 3285, opens its doors to anyone who is interested in participating in the debate. Synopsis
Father Mugica: A Life For The People reflected through the testimony of collaborators and friends of the Argentine priest and footage of the era, its social preaching, his community work and political participation in defense of the poor.
Father Carlos Mugica was a paradigm of his time, while a contradiction in itself. Son of an upper class family, gave his life for the most humble, even knowing beforehand that this was a possibility too close. To serve, gave up a promising career within the church, which could have led to the highest levels, as was a man of brilliant intelligence. But that was not all: he was a priest Peronist working in the District Communications Villa 31 today. He lived without fear and without asking anything for himself. I killed a hired killer, in which some thought they recognized the Federal Police Commissioner Rodolfo Almiron. After 30 years, to deny his murderers, Mugica is still remembered what it was: a priest as he preferred another martyr of those days, "Chacho" Angelelli, "with an ear for the gospel and the other in the people. "
Sunday, May 1, 2011
How Long Does It Take To Get Meps
After the cultural events around March 24, April began with a similar activity, the theme this time was the Falklands War. By screening of a documentary play opened debate and reflection on that historic event, as yet latent in our society.
territorial Work continues to strengthen. Solidarity Youth volunteers and managers of the School No. 19, located in Villa Evita, had lunch with their families. It was a good opportunity to discuss their work and strengthen links. Imagine and Learn programs are working together with the support of the school. La Escuelita Sports, meanwhile, formed Talent football team and is looking into the possibility of having more resources to enrich their business.
During this month, in addition, a group of volunteers were trained in literacy education from popular. A new program, youth and adult literacy is being carried out in the regional district. Juan Ignacio Santeiro
, president of the organization, attended the launch of JUP in the city of Bahía Blanca. In the context of trials for crimes against humanity, there was a debate about the imposed dictatorships in Latin America and U.S. interference on them. Also present at this activity Attorney Abel Córdoba and co-ADJ (lawyers for social justice).
Last week Solidarity Youth was present at the headquarters of OEI (Organization of American States) which, along with other representatives of the third sector, it was the participation of organizations and the role they play within the domestic economy. The balance by John Santeiro was extremely positive.
Communication Area Youth Solidarity
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Do Gums Grow Back After Wisdom Teeth Extraction?
Solidarity Youth president, Juan Ignacio Santeiro, Buenos Aires participated in a debate where centralized participation of organizations and the role that the third position of the country. The meeting was held at the headquarters of OEI (Organization of American States), which also intervened SES executive director, Prof. Alberto Croce, the chairman of the UOCRA, FOC members of the Foundation, and the executive director of the NGO Poder Ciudadano. The theme
exposed, it deepened the work of NGOs in the political and economic autonomy throughout the country, where the relationship of the various organizations play a key role in social inclusion, this being a mediator axis, between state and citizen.
Arriving in the city of Mar del Plata, Juan Santeiro, was positive about the turnout and the Youth Solidarity place within organizations in the country. It is a find for us to participate in events like this. We are proud to see the growth we've had as an organization, the president said Youth Solidarity, which also added that events like this are crucial and very necessary to know to which we aspire, not only as an organization but as a country.
Communication Area Youth Solidarity
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Kitchen prince
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
How Much Does It Cost To Reupholster Boat Seats
JUP release yesterday, as part of a trial for crimes against humanity, which will begin next week in the city of Bahía Blanca.
The organization's president, Juan Ignacio Santeiro, he led a discussion where it became a historical account of the Latin American situation to the dictatorship imposed in different countries that comprise South America, and the coordination that took place the United States framed the Truman Doctrine, which resulted in the monitoring, surveillance, detention, interrogation psycho-physical constraints, transfers between countries and disappearance or death of people considered by those regimes as subversive. Then
the Youth Solidarity tax debate, it was the turn to co-ADJ (lawyers for social justice), which defined from a technical perspective, the various decrees that flowed after the dictatorship of Jorge Rafael Videla.
The day the federal prosecutor closed the Causes Assistance Unit for Human Rights Violations, Abel Córdoba, who express their experience and held an emotional interaction with students, neighbors and peers. After the activity, the JUP group, awarded him a certificate to each of the participants, for their work on the case.
Prior to the beginning of the cycle, Youth Solidarity and co-ADJ, staff visited the office of the rector of the Universidad del Sur, Rafael Breide Obeid. They held a meeting to pass the hour and a half, and in which various points were discussed, concerning university policy.
Solidarity Youth Communication Area
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
11 Dpo Wet Period Coming?
continue to accompany the Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo in the peaceful pursuit of their grandchildren, truth and justice.
Friday, April 8, 2011
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''If you are capable of trembling with indignation whenever an injustice in the world, we are partners'' Che said, and those who embrace this sense we find the need to take action, to put it at least. We are outraged at what he left the project of society that every day we are proposing, what is unfair. There are injustices that are alarming and others that go even further, to enter the category of large aberrations. In recent days, in Mar del Plata, came to light injustices of this type.
Thanks to research by a group of organizations in the city, announced that the Company had fruit and vegetable SA workers-including children up to six years in deplorable conditions. A few dozen miles of the city, on farms in Sierra de los Padres and Batan, children were exploited and totally isolated from the outside world. Not only deprived of their right to education, but also abhorrent working conditions and even exposed to the high toxicity of agrochemicals. This was denounced as slave labor and child exploitation, making the April 5 the premises are raided.
The researchers went to the website a video that shows these facts:
slavery means excessive restraint which is submitted a person to person. In our country, this system was abolished in May 1853 when the Constitution came into force Argentina Confederation. However, and unfortunately in some areas still intends to challenge these rules, violating the rights of individuals, reducing them to servitude and creating modern systems of slave labor.
We can not fail to note that similar cases may exist around us, and indifference is equally dangerous. It is not possible to end these injustices, but by a strong popular participation, citizenship, caring and willing to condemn and act against these situations. Therefore, we condemn these acts and call upon the community to collaborate so that these practices are inhumane, once and for all of the past.
Communication Area Youth Solidarity
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Watch Family Guy Online In Iphone
El pasado martes Jóvenes Solidarios llevó a cabo una jornada de reflexión y debate sobre la guerra de Malvinas. Esta actividad siguió la lógica de las Jornadas Culturales por la Memoria que se desarrollaron durante las últimas semanas. Abordando otras tematicas, the organization intends to continue this kind of events to promote discussion and participation among youth.
The event took place Tuesday night at the headquarters of the NGO has Peña R. 3285. As part of Veterans Day and Memorial in the Falklands War, the day began with a documentary by Felipe Pigna game and then opened the debate.
Young people gathered there talked, among other things, about the context of civil-military dictatorship, the role of media and hegemonic sectors. They also discussed the ways in which the issue is discussed in schools.
Towards the end of the day was made a toast in memory of the fallen and the veterans.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
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continue with the Cultural Days of Remembrance: This time there will be a talk on Malvinas, historical revisionism. Will be at 20 pm on Tuesday 5 in local R. Peña 3285. you there!
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
How To Remove Skin Burst

The activity took place at our headquarters and like the previous day where rock was discussed and dictatorship, it was projected this time a documentary about the '78 World and then a discussion was generated debate among young people who participated the day. The activity also benefited from the presence of one of the Human Rights concerning the city of Mar del Plata, Julio Dauro, who shared his involvement as an activist during that period and his experience as a detainee-disappeared when he was abducted in the field Torture Cave.
cycle continues Cultural Days during the month of April. In this way we continue to seek to promote youth engagement in Memory and Human Rights.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Typhoid And Relative Bradicardia

lifter and one of the flags representing the organization, which is reflected in social portraits that decorate the venue, and in the name of it, commemorated in a plaque and Gaston Muñoz Silvia Larrieu.
dye flags flew Youth Solidarity, was a square of seven colors, known as the Wiphala, and the blue and white of our country.
The event lasted three hours and ended with a march at the epicenter of the city.
Communication Area Youth Solidarity
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
When To Have Intercourse After Polyp Removal
The executive director ANSES Diego Bossio, and the Minister of Education, Alberto Sileoni, opened last Thursday, the first Latin American Seminar on Education 1 to 1, where 12 countries in the region to share experiences of implementing technology in teaching and learning processes. This meeting is held under the Equal Connect program.
During his presentation, Bossio said: "In the framework of inclusion policies, such as the Universal and Son, the Connect program Equality is central to digitally include public school students around the country" .
Moreover, the holder of the work highlighted ANSES undertaken by different agencies so that each student has their netbook. He added: "We identify the computer with each child, through the Cuil, to optimize the delivery process of netbooks."
The seminar is organized by the ANSES, the Ministry of Education, the educational portal and the Organization of Iberoamerican States for Education, Science and Culture (OEI). The same is done for 17 and March 18 at the Sheraton Hotel Retiro, with free admission.
The Equal Connect program aims to distribute more than three million netbooks among public high school students, special education and teacher training institutes in the period 2010-2012. So far, ANSES delivered more than 360,000 computers around the country. In parallel, develop digital content and work processes to transform teacher education paradigms, models and processes of learning and teaching.
Communication Area Youth Solidarity
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Revolution Facemasks For Sale
With a cinema-rock debate on national and dictatorship, the NGO began the cycle in the framework of the Day National Memory for Truth and Justice. It was the first of a series of Solidarity Youth activities take place between this week and next, with the aim of promoting youth engagement on memory and human rights, promoting different values \u200b\u200bfor greater participation.
The cycle began on Monday with a conference on national rock and civil-military dictatorship. Young people came to the headquarters of the organization has in R. Peña 3285 for participating in the activity. 19hs was projected to a chapter of Perhaps Because: National History Rock, a documentary directed by Maximilian Canal Ezzaoul Meeting. After a discussion took place, which also involved some artists of the city joined the initiative.
day was closed with a toast in celebration of the exiled artists and repressed during that period of dictatorship, as well as in celebration of the freedom of expression that exists today and cultural process that is going through.
The activities organized by Solidarity Youth continue throughout the week, and like every year the NGO will participate in the march on Thursday 24.
Communication Area - Solidarity Youth
Monday, March 21, 2011
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In the morning local
The Capital and The Atlantic echoed the day cleaning performed in the field Solidarity Youth Sports Villa Evita. The note was published in the Capital on page 36 where they show a picture of a child looking for in a shovel and detonates a partner of the organization to step behind. The titled The youth group held a cleanup day.
while the Atlantic, meanwhile, proposed our initiative on page 5, showing a group photo to which title Cleaning Day in Villa Evita.
be at 19hs, and will feature bands and artists in the city. Channel a documentary Encounter group seeking to realize the horror they suffered the 30,000 partners and a country and that only now has found some justice, but you need to remember what happened, not to return happen.
Communication Area Youth Solidarity
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Yardley London Aftershave
What I take away all the joy and we hope ; that's the slogan of the Sports School which conducts Youth Solidarity.
precisely to these principles, enacted in securities, was held yesterday afternoon a cleanup day on the sports field adjacent to Middle School 19, Villa Evita, settlement jointly between children and volunteers.
Gloves hands, shovel and bags near overflowing containing plastic bottles, wires, glass, diapers, rusty cans, papers full of dirt, piles and everyone imaginable object that is commonly found in a dumpster.

In this way, children and volunteers carried out under the sun siesta is work, still have this, which supplements a job that does not matter for the organization, since they are Municipal State tasks, which in these latitudes is conspicuous by its absence, when we participate in a series of meetings between neighbors, organizations and representatives municipal government, in which the latter promised, just four months ago: containers (with a period of time where they would be removed and restored), luminaire engranzado the streets and cleaning the area. That promise was never reflected in reality. Among
mate, talks and football, on the evening of the day, "The Gusty" a child as young as just eight years, he dreamed aloud of seeing is popcorn, indoor and illuminated.
Communication Area Youth Solidarity
Friday, March 18, 2011

The visit is concrete in Buenos Aires.
marplatense ¨ ... the business remains strong up to policy decisions, and we believe that from the grassroots organization that can begin to change °
This said this morning the president of the organization, Juan Ignacio Santeiro, the radio Here we program the station AM 530 belonging to the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo.
when asked about the emergence of the organization, John thought, that it comes within the framework after the crisis of 2000; born by the initiative of four colleagues, tired of the party structures, the least for the youth of that era, were not at all representative, and today we have grown substantially. We are about 60.
Speaking on youth programs that develop at different points, where it has territorial work, the president said want to highlight a special program called Employability and self-esteem, which comes through a companion villa, which he gets a job and is not presented due to their status villero known, and it creates a bias in the presence before the other person.
He added on the program: began to articulate other partners, and design a sort of Good Faith Bench of procedure, and are now promoting micro enterprises with different partners, productive, where they develop a more professional job.
Upon closing, John Santeiro he presented a plaque to Peter Lanteri, conductor on behalf of Solidarity Youth framed with a famous phrase of Cristina Kirchner and invited young people from Mar del Plata to join the organization.
Area Youth Solidarity
Thursday, March 17, 2011
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But without doubt, one of our graffiti is more international in nature SUSO 33, who also exhibits in galleries today. His work goes beyond mere street art, so we can relate to performance. His work builds a relationship between what is inside and outside the public space between sculpture and graffiti. It is an art of occasion, the moment, not memory, therefore is a continuing evolution ...
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Psyllium Bentonite Colon Cleanse
With the sun on your back, Solidarity Youth had a dynamic and fruitful summer. It introduced new campaigns and join other initiatives that took place in the city. Also intensified territorial work that volunteers perform, for three years in Villa Evita.
For Christmas is the celebration held in the village, to a large call for children who played games, painted, were the breakfast and the closing celebration got their Christmas toy. For this had the support of the community of Mar del Plata, which in the days before toys came to headquarters in R. Peña 3285, seeking a smile on the faces of children.
For the fourth consecutive year Solidarity Youth joined the classic collection of Super Forks, held in the tower of a monk, which raised milk, diapers, toys and nonperishable food for households, villas and dining neediest of Mar del Plata. Thanks to this, on a journey similar to Christmas, January 8 Villa Evita was to kings, who brought in his luggage gifts, candy and balloons, another warm morning.
The NGOs also joined the exits Chapadmalal colony, where kids from different neighborhoods of the city violated shared a warm stay.
January Over intensified work, began the workshops and the presence of volunteers in the village was constant. Imagine The workshop ran by Josefina Saracho and colleagues, developing an artistic discipline with the children of the settlement. Sports School, coordinated by a group of volunteers gathered a lot of guys who play football. Also conducted a workshop for school aid, who must pay for materials in February.
While the Recreation Workshop, which was led by Jorge Millares, launched several days brightened, where through a basket raffled among the neighbors, they rented an inflatable to promote recreational expansion of the child in an area totally harmless.
Bad weather, I am enclosing Solidarity Youth in his visit with the children of Villa Evita Payró theater to enjoy the play over and out .
streets Villa Evita also toured the occasion of the Open Digital Television. Volunteers visited every house, explaining to residents the benefits of digital television and filling with them the application forms for the converter and the antenna.
After a busy 2010, the year began looking for opportunities to contribute to growth and improvement of work of the organization. Juan Ignacio Santeiro, President of Solidarity Youth, began to expand the institutional relations of the NGO, through various meetings and participating United Nations Congress in Buenos Aires. The results were encouraging.
mid-February, not far from the Back to School, Youth Solidarity conducted a campaign to collect school supplies. Under the slogan''Together''at cole donations were received in the central points of the city to get kids back to school with everything you need. This campaign found good media coverage communication, which in recent months have maintained regular contact with the organization.
Since the communication area of \u200b\u200bthe NGO, is promoting the 2.0 Voluntary initiative, which invites surfers to participate in the broadcast networks, through jovenesolidariosmdp.blogspot site. com. So Solidarity Youth projects a year with new ideas, including working to bring the land to other parts of the city.
Communication Area
Solidarity Youth
Monday, March 14, 2011
Outdoor Inflatables Not Working
A few years ago, this author wrote about the fears. We know that
all afraid of something and it does not detract us.
Today I realized that there are other fears ... What the hell
as we grow we grow and mature as well as
come more problems, it also increases the fear ... But that fear that hurts,
freezing and depending on each person can become
determinacióny value, a new challenge to be overcome and the
opportunity to know our limits ... And beat them!
The problem is when those fears become terror, terror
that prevents you think that scares you
without the heart to accelerate ... It's even worse when that terror is
feels toward someone who never imagined. That's when it hurts more when given more afraid
. Par
readers, do not give advice on dealing with the demons that
assist us but I'll give a few lines:
The brave live until the coward wants.
Threats are legal terms and the solution is in nosotros'l complaint!
No, husband, friend, friends have any right to destroy our dignity
putting a hand on.
Sounds easy, right? News should not be ... But the end result
is a full life without fear! Worth, isn't it?
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