''If you are capable of trembling with indignation whenever an injustice in the world, we are partners'' Che said, and those who embrace this sense we find the need to take action, to put it at least. We are outraged at what he left the project of society that every day we are proposing, what is unfair. There are injustices that are alarming and others that go even further, to enter the category of large aberrations. In recent days, in Mar del Plata, came to light injustices of this type.
Thanks to research by a group of organizations in the city, announced that the Company had fruit and vegetable SA workers-including children up to six years in deplorable conditions. A few dozen miles of the city, on farms in Sierra de los Padres and Batan, children were exploited and totally isolated from the outside world. Not only deprived of their right to education, but also abhorrent working conditions and even exposed to the high toxicity of agrochemicals. This was denounced as slave labor and child exploitation, making the April 5 the premises are raided.
The researchers went to the website a video that shows these facts: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2aruz0mma6I
slavery means excessive restraint which is submitted a person to person. In our country, this system was abolished in May 1853 when the Constitution came into force Argentina Confederation. However, and unfortunately in some areas still intends to challenge these rules, violating the rights of individuals, reducing them to servitude and creating modern systems of slave labor.
We can not fail to note that similar cases may exist around us, and indifference is equally dangerous. It is not possible to end these injustices, but by a strong popular participation, citizenship, caring and willing to condemn and act against these situations. Therefore, we condemn these acts and call upon the community to collaborate so that these practices are inhumane, once and for all of the past.
Communication Area Youth Solidarity
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