Andy Warhol himself, in which I consider more serious interview, he confesses to Gretchen Berg - daughter of renowned film historian Herman G. Weinberg - in more than one occasion, not passionate about anything, which is served from what happens around them just as firmly believes that part of his time, the culture of that era such as missiles and television. It also states that each After being asked about his past he invented a different story because he forgot what he said yesterday. And no one doubts the particularity of one of the creators of pop-art. Such was their game to the press that often sent his interviews with a double in his place or answered only in monosyllables or just told the interviewer to give him the answers to which could be repeated because he was unable to, as it was think nothing exciting. And if asked: who was the father of pop?, You can find answers as diverse as this: "Pop art is more parents in all Shirley Temple movies." "Transgresor? "Comedian? Who knows. Knowing that he stated he never wanted to be a painter, but he wanted to tap dancing, or that art was dead, that the painting was bored and that movies are more exciting because they are artificial, the dispute is served.
Thanks to the editorial Books Blackie can enjoy this fascinating book at the same time interesting, easy and entertaining read that reveals through each interview with a multifaceted Warhol, surprisingly "cuasirromantico.
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