I'm a fan of gadgets. The author is a fan of the toys of
pocket. Gadgets rarely become Cons.
In early 2007 I bought my second generation ipod green. 3 years, hundreds of miles and 1450 songs later it was stolen. Somehow I do not know who but I'm sure that whoever stole it did not know what it was, and I firmly believe that the best way to know a person is listening to your music player, the iPod in my case.
few weeks ago, a dear friend gave me the iPod is now traveling in my bag: a lovely pink ... About 3 generations newer than the green and again. The opportunity to begin again, start new lists, add new tracks, start a story. Everything seemed so easy. 4 weeks, 260 songs later, I discover that my pink ipod is a tribute to green. Listening to "Here without you" 3 doors down my senses travel to distant days, with voices that no longer listen to and solitude no longer share. It amazes me the power of a song to light a history of transmitting even flavors, phrases, smiles and tears. Today I have the taste of wine that a good friend gave me in December 2006 and whose last drop he drank 30 June, a blue moon night and sweet and sour flavors.
Much has changed and now, listening to 3 Doors Down have written a note to the girl who was in my mirror in 2007. The only note reads: "Everything Happens for a reason." Now I just hope that if I ever need it again, the note back and forward me the comfort that it provides me tonight.
Mientras tanto y aunque he aceptado que ciertas melodías me recordarán eventos o sabores y qué así como son parte de mi ipod son parte de mi historia y por ende de quien soy, también sé qué puedo llenarme de nuevas melodías que se llenarán de el doble de recuerdos nuevos, de nuevas sonrisas, historias y sabores... y es que mi ipod rosa es del doble de capacidad que el ipod verde!
Qué sus listas de reproducción estén llenas de melodías de recuerdos
gratos y sabores dulces.
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