Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Should I Wait For Psp2

Adeste Fideles

"... en grege relicto, humiles ad cunas, vocatis pastores approperant. Et nos ovanti gradu festinemus, venite adoremus, venite adoremus, venite adoremus Dominum. Aeterni Parentis splendorem aeternum, velatum sub carne videbimus delum infantem, pannis involutum, venite adoremus, venite adoremus, venite adoremus Dominum. Pro nobis egenum et foeno cubamtem, piis foveamus, amplexibus; sic nos amantem quis nos redamaret?, Adoremus Venite, Adoremus Venite, Venite Adoremus Dominum "

Same beginning as previous years ...
Far from lack of creative thinking, think again at this time that invites reflection, in which We take the time to slowly open your eyes and look at the world we live in, look at the reflection in the mirror and look carefully every detail that surrounds us. This year it does not want to close my eyes or look away at everything around me .. . I can not help looking at the young homeless, broken homes, violence in the world, the big differences between my life and so many other lives and marked with red again my shortcomings. I would breathe cold air and feel of new ESO that just feels in this age when everything seems a new opportunity to correct the "wrong way sometimes, to fix ourselves and with them change our way of seeing the world.

This year my life seems so different from what it used to be, with new needs that are impossible to fill holes left, cold so deep that there is no blanket that entertains me and flavor gaps left helplessness also looked at me and I see in other respects so complete, so happy in the new role, as full and peaceful life that I can not stop thinking about the families who for some reason are not complete. I

again invite you to reflect on the meaning of the celebration tonight.

On this day before Christmas in which most of us share dinner with your loved ones, I wish each one of us devote a thought for those who will not, in those who can not dine in a home and who may not even dinner. I would like to raise you our thoughts about them and think about how to help, to help those who feel alone, to think of those words and smiles that can change a life. In this view we can change the world.

I invite you to also thank how lucky we are.

Leaving the other side of the door, my usual self, I sincerely wish for you peace and happiness that love will flood their hearts, we know we learn to forgive and be forgiven. Wish for the world to learn to understand, never forget that we are not perfect and know how to be humble. I wish you all peace and happiness and blessings they need they want. I wish you healthy enough and enough love, enough awareness of themselves and the world we live in, enough humility, peace eternal and infinite gratitude to you and your loved ones.

Again I invite you to take advantage of the time, the I invite you to look in the mirror, open your eyes to the world and stretch their hands to touch. I invite you to awaken and renew, to begin to change the world and try to be masters of what they are. This year again I call you LIVE!.


the tradition of previous years, the doors to the dinner tonight will remain open and the invitation is for everyone.

Friday, December 12, 2008

How Do I Put A Salon Sink At Home

The Twelve Days of Christmas! There heavens

Continuing the tradition of last year ... here is the list of what you receive within 12 days of Christmas!

For the twelve days of Christmas, your true love will send you:

drumming Eleven Twelve robots carolers a-caroling
Ten midgets a-leaping Nine ladies baking cookies

Eight alpacas a-milking Seven
fruitcakes a-festering
Santas a-hohohoing Six Five golden necklaces

booty calls calling
Four Three Two French Tourists

bottles of whiskey And a crazy homeless person in an apple tree

I definitely will do better than last year but stress the indigent insane to give me the apple tree, I have to pay attention to that detail, certainly something I try to say. I can not say much about the singers but sure to be great so I hope and no way I should clarify that I am excited about the robots.

Moreover, again receive bottles of whiskey (thank you!), I also thank the "ho ho ho" from Santa because they always encourage the alpacas as much as I like the ladies who bake cookies and fruit pies are very good!

Finally! I think this year I do like my presents!

Monday, December 8, 2008

5 Wks Low Soft Cervix Pregnancy

Two years ...

Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,
Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,

Silence the pianos and with muffled drum
Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.

Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead
Scribbling on the sky the message He Is Dead,
Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves,
Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.

He was my North, my South, my East and West,
My working week and my Sunday rest,
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;
I thought that love would last for ever: I Was Wrong.

The stars Are Not wanted now: put out Every One;
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun;
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood.
For nothing now to Any dog \u200b\u200bever eats good.

WH Auden

The blue sky can still look for all ... for the author is now a distinct blue, it's a different sky. The world is even a different place al que durante 24 años conocí.

Cada día sigue amaneciendo; el sol continúa apareciendo y eventualmente perdiéndose en el horizonte. La luna sigue orbitando... las estrellas son visibles desde cualquier punto y cada minuto alguien nace en este universo. Sin embargo hay cielos aún sin estrellas y mañanas sin sol; hay tardes de viento y hojas secas, hay días sin días, horas sin minutos y razones sin motivo. Hay logros sin compartirse, alegrías esporádicas y momentos perfectos que se nublan al pensar en su ausencia; hay cielos cambiantes que parecen cubrir todo con un manto de desamparo... el frío llega bones and numb the feelings, the tears freezing cold by rubbing the skin, voice breaking, crying becomes sharp swords stuck in the throat, chest is pressed against the cold metal plate is pressed, the Breathing becomes a feat and silence fills a world of words and letters suddenly demand to be reflected in a frenzy that could be compared to a drug ... there are gray skies, no more nuance than the pain. There are pale skies that taste absence is so dark skies that threaten to overshadow the memories and smiles. There are skies that look and others prefer not to remember that perfection is attainable and complete happiness is a path.

There are steps that must be taken, there are cycles that must be met and the time does not forgive, does not stop. Today they are the words of others who say what mine can not ...

"If God Could you see him tell you how much I Hated him?"

"It's an itch That I'll never stop scratching

It's a hole That I'll never remove fill"

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Dvp Sr200p Multiregion

When words are just

Words really do not stop ...

I can justify my recent lack of creativity in myriad ways, but the truth is that my muse and I decided to dedicate ourselves to write on paper, yes, as I met the letters. I went back to experience that pleasure becoming less common to slip a tip on a piece of paper and remembered how pleasant it is to write only to a reader and also could repeat over and over again that even in this blog, just write to me " but that would be another lie, all public blog readers and the author seeks to enjoy them. Wandering about I can confess that I enjoy every criticism, reaching the email and those that are published as "comment". There is no enjoyment, are pleasing to the author or not be enjoyed because they indicate that one of the objectives of the publication is true: words are read.

Returning to the pleasure of writing as such, the last 20 days have filled more than 150 sheets of paper and enjoyed every one of them, enjoying every stroke on paper and listening to the rustling of the leaf to be checked. Each letter written during the past 20 days has been extracted from the depths of the thoughts of the author, has been accompanied by countless feelings and sensations, headaches and sighs ... and I published many letters in this environment for so long that finally passed it was obvious that would happen: no more words. Gone are the words that needed to be read by someone other than the author, my words quenched their thirst to be read and the author needed to let them rest outside her eye and she needed rest.

Some words began to hurt and wants to talk it over. The words are gone painfully slow, like when you break a piece of paper and creaks and bends to resist being destroyed ... muse and found me in the silence of my room in my space. The letters began to flow and those words that hurt demanded to be reflected on paper. In the trance of the storm surge itself left me the paper and pens, inks and pencils on my desk was insufficient.

Time passed, and the quiet returned and gradually stopped hurting words ... I must confess that even if they were painful at all times pleasant, was like taking a thorn deeply nailed slowly. I reconciled with the publication and here I am, wandering about. Justifying the absence with the firm intention of leaving a testimony of what happened and is to be were done with words, is that saturated letters to the author and the letters themselves do not help much.

A letter should be a word to make sense of something and my world has always been an imperative to write, lately even I felt empathy with each letter. The letters take shape with strong lines caused an emotion as strong, weak points with strokes caused an emotion with little encouragement to be expressed but equally valuable. Learned each letter, every word I knew something and rediscovering the letters rediscovered the simple pleasure of writing on paper ... reconnect with words I met again and reconciled with the letters did me.

needed no more.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Whats The Difference Between Minohd And Ultra Hd

In the autumns of old

In early September, took off the front of my closet under their doors by fall ... evening of that day I sat in bed watching the devastating aspect of the doors on the floor of my room. Although I can not boast of being highly organized, behind those doors seemed a whole world that seemed unknown.
the bottom of the top of my closet I could see my memory box and inside the box looked out the hat of one of my porcelain dolls. So, my dear two readers, the author was fond of beautiful porcelain dolls with fine finishes and delicate features.

Today I thought of the cabinet above, in my porcelain dolls and my happy childhood. As if you seek without knowing, in the middle of the anachronism of my day I found myself listening to "The Closet" by Francisco Gabilondo Soler and at that moment the image of the closet in my grandmother came to my mind and contrasted with my wardrobe. A scent of roses was impregnated wood in my day and brought me to my grandparents' house ... my favorite place.

When He died, I spent more than 3 entries in this blog. Days passed and December 2006 that became more cold and empty I had known. 4 months ago she died and an entry in this blog summed up what was left here after his departure.

Drowned in the sea of \u200b\u200bemotions that makes me think of my grandmother, and his recent absence, I try to write something today that makes those who do not know can know from my letters. Trying its vastness overwhelmed me.

This morning anachronistically with an air of melancholy and wood roses and pictures of me once again face her departure back to me this thank so much history ... awkwardly to thank the little ones have what SHE throughout our years told me and what I lived next to him and is still repeating every word she said and reviewing each of its movements and stories, I feel that my voice lacks everything ... and I lack the time, missing letters, missing history ... I miss her tears.
This morning I realized that the gap here is larger and more intense cold.

this fall knows that stranger, known to the melancholy of the first fall of my life that do not embrace ... today being my favorite season will not be understood as I knew my FALL; not hear His voice, feel his arms or hands sujetaré. This November there will be no Altar of the Dead in YOUR house this fall there will be no smell of incense, wax and Copal. Not be your perfect dish on an altar. This year she will not make offerings to the dead: the will as tradition indicates as the feeling I required.

am now anachronistically last fall to his side and listen to talk again and again I feel his hand holding mine. Sitting on the floor of her immaculate white kitchen with the scent of coffee, wood, vanilla and grow carbon felt, saw me laugh, mourn, dream, imagine and learn. confessed that floor in only her biggest secrets I could be sitting on the floor and watched it again as I managed to memorize and review your movements, sitting there on that floor memorized your smile white.

In my 26 years I still sat on the white floor to observe. No one thought it strange that at my age continue to seek the floor having spare chairs in the home. I know she knew what was going through my mind that last time, I knew that April night in Campeche witnessed the impact of your voice in my dreams .

Back in the early morning as I write this slowly came to the conclusion that your hands will be needed here and no longer return to "my favorite place "ever since it was his presence that made him my favorite white floor.

His absence will hurt forever and the cold is already part of my life, this autumn will not be as those who knew and the gap is going to be ... Luckily I have his voice in my head, his image to close my eyes and aroma to think about it. The cold is more tolerable when I wrap a scarf and I cling to his memory and back to those autumn with the scent of incense, wax and Copal in that city he swore not to return now.

This morning, thinking about my wardrobe above, on my wrists and my childhood is the aroma of my grandmother, wood and roses, which fills the room and his clothes flowers painted colors that I am, is the sound of the piano and their feet walk the hear and remember its history.

grandmother takes the key ring and show me your wardrobe
With such beautiful and wonderful things that keep your keychain
Take grandma and show me your wardrobe
promise to sit still and not touch what you unset

Give me

big-eyed doll color of the sea, let
asked to play with my mom.

Teach your dress that makes little noise when walking,
and tell me when you were in a carriage with your dad ...

"The Closet"

Francisco Gabilondo Soler

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Male Waxing Madison, Wi

The goal re-route

Nobody said starting a project (any type) was easy.

The beginning of something really worthwhile is difficult slope. It is not easy to climb a mountain, it is not reaching the top, there will be injuries, frustration, and despair and there is that most of the time we hope to reach the top is much easier and convenient, forgetting that when we want something really and believe it will have to prepare to fight many battles, some of them will win, some will experience life and at every step we take we have the opportunity to withdraw because each step is more difficult, so are the beginnings.

What is it that stands firm to the mountaineer even in the most heavy snow?
What makes us fight for what we want but we see it nearly impossible?
confidence in what we want but above all confidence in ourselves . The FE what we believe and want.

During a fall that could be considered frustrating , there will be an opportunity to regain the enthusiasm, trying again, to trust that we can do everything that we propose, that the Fe in us in the goodness of the universe, trust in our decisions and confidence in us as architects of our destiny will always be the best tools to continue.

is our decision to withdraw midway, leave it all when things get a little complicated. Nobody has the power to judge by this, but we can also choose to recover the Fe with which we began the project, confidence in us, hope that the future will always bring surprises and everything is an opportunity to be better.

There is nothing worse than losing the faith in ourselves ... still feeling that all is not lost, despite having forgotten the reasons why we started something, we can always find in us a reason that led us there and rescue him, remember this occasion and fight to regain the enthusiasm and confidence, after all ... someone told me a few months ago:

"Do not focus on the height at which you are uploading or scratches in you; Focus on Target"

Frankly ... I think it's an important philosophy of life.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

How To Buy A Cricket Bat From Internet

"Change is the law of life and Those Who look only to the past or present Are Certain to miss the future" John F.

Many we afraid of change.

There are moments that life-changing crossroads on the road and moments in which a situation perfectly planned change and thus almost imperceptibly we change.

We can always plan, expect, design and provide what is necessary to meet any eventuality calmly in the well planned way, many of us carry in advance maps for every occasion, plans "a", "b" and "c" for each situation and to gain some security against possible changes. This author still believes that "everything is written," thus still believes in the possibility of a change of plan so drastic that not all alternatives indicating how to proceed, there is always the possibility of meeting at a crossroads for which no map we serve. Causes many changes ourselves, our decisions are affecting the roads initially planned perfectly.

are the lucky few who can breathe deeply and adapt to state changes, situations, feelings and plans, there are few who know how to adapt to the new road to the new situation and the fear of change is one of our major obstacles and obstacle is precisely because we are afraid our changes.

The money we give to our plans depend on us, in us is to convert a drastic change of plan in the excuse to lament the past will not return, then breathing in this constant nostalgia flavored or take the money and change ourselves, or try something completely different Try again following a new route. It may even be very exciting to meet a series of plans apparently destroyed, the opportunity to rebuild, reorganize and rethink the way is invaluable! the thrill of facing something new, to test our limits, to change our plans and recognize our character can be infinitely motivating.

up to us convert the change in failure or an opportunity. As always, at the end ALL is in us is that the world is not changing, it's us who do.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Twitching In Sleep And Iron Deficiency

The pursuit of peace and progress not can end in a FEW years in victory or defeat Either. The pursuit of peace and progress, with trials and Its errors STI, STI STI Successes and setbacks, can never Be relaxed and never abandoned. Dag Hammarskjold

If I change ... change the world.

Most adults carry with us enough emotional baggage to survive without real feelings for each full year, we could probably live only with memories that come to life and return to stir the chest for better or for worse. Many carry suitcases full of memories that no longer serve in unnecessary emotional burdens of guilt and powerlessness, cases in which both words had weighed anchor us to a place, it weighs so much that we sink into a muddy pool of water in hardly find peace, a pond that will not leave even if not we free ourselves from these resentments that eventually rise far from disappearing, broken promises, of demons and ghosts, blame for mistakes de un pasado que existe como tal; PASADO. Es ese mismo equipaje el que nos hace encadenarnos a tiempos pasados; a un mundo en constante anacronía que dista mucho del HOY que cada uno de nosotros percibe.

Podemos negar a todos que tenemos dicho equipaje, podemos negar el ancla y podemos proclamarnos en "competencia constante"; sólo basta algo de astucia para lograr que el universo completo lo crea, para que todas las voces repitan lo bien que estamos... pero hay una voz que no se calla fácilmente, hay una voz que podemos silenciar a conveniencia pero que en algún momento se escuchará tan fuerte que dejaremos de escucharnos nosotros mismos; esa voz, ese espejo al que en algún momento tenemos que enfrentarnos es uno de los mayores fears of most adults.

The look in front and see who we really are, beyond what the world thinks, listen to that inner voice that tells us exactly what went wrong, what is missing, which is mandatory and what is left is part of a of the hardest processes that we face, the self-knowledge.

That knowledge leads us to accept that our lives over obstacles and find shortcuts, paths and crossroads in circles real enemies chosen for ourselves and allies to join without an invitation and offer your hand and support. There will be constant and rival powers very strong agile rivals and weak rivals who will also have opportunity to learn ... but as we heard, the final competition is with ourselves.

How to win a competition carrying unnecessary baggage? How to move forward if we ourselves, in an apparent effort to self-punishment or fear of ourselves, we take care to anchor to a point that is difficult we move?

To release the heavy chains that bind us to a past, to release the room, face the demons and ghosts disappear just need to look in front, looking into the eyes of our reflection and recognize after so many coats that we create over the years and experiences, we need to accept our human condition, our undeniable right to make mistakes and learn from them ... accept that the path will always be people that hurt even unintentionally, will disappoint those, who take pride and those saved-will to those causing intense pain and who caused infinite happiness and all that is part of the trip.

I understand that the real challenge should be known and accepted the past as such, leave it in the place to be and let go of those burdens so much weight that we were dragging, the tranquility is to accept the present, to open his eyes today, enjoy the colors we see today, enjoy the present and live with no strings, no demons or ghosts of the past. Peace appears necessary to go to bed sure to be better individuals than the previous day.

TODAY returns the protagonist finally ready to compete again with herself.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

How To Put Coke On Your Gums

TODAY BUT Not enough

wish I could blame my genes for certain patterns of behavior.

I've heard so many people blame their genes for their conduct and practice seems vulgar and extremely immature. I've heard people blame their children for their failures, their parents, their trauma, to those who justify their mistakes after the shield "trauma."

Today I wish I could blame my mother for me lately inclined to ease anxiety with a cigarette and a coffee, to require both and dad for being so sensitive to the loss of voice and that if something is not I can let go of my voice, my right of reply, opinion, my freedom of thought and expression, that freedom is constrained by only let me.

I can not blame my genes, although the blame for my looks slim, my hair straight and my eyes that change color. The blame of my writing skills, my foray into reading and writing at 4 years of my education in every way. The blame for helping me become who I am.

wish I could blame my way to react to certain stimuli, for my inability to take things lightly ... Unfortunately

it the blame on me responsible for my actions and reactions, I grew up with decision-making, right of reply and the right to preach against what I hated and question every decision-even success did not mean, of course.

Today really would have preferred to have someone to blame ...

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Sennheiser Vs Razer Carcharias

I KNOW fewer people than I thought.
There is much to say but few words for it, this time again I miss the words.

My concept of TEAM seems very different from my team.
There are differences that unite ... this is not one of them.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Can U Shave During A Herpes Outbreak

She lives on the loss of IT in their own way.
Mourning's Blog ended today.

exactly one year after the Revelations . A year has passed since that cryptic post in which I explained the reasons why that could never be featured in a chick flick . At one year, FUTUREM . Org handles remember in detail what I left in 2007 and again reminded me of those demons that left many footprints in my physique and off the ground in which they are to look at them straight in the face and watch from the place where I am today. Technical certainly challenged by many, but this author argues that the shield of the past, and I do not mean what passed as the months have passed, and as the miles of sky tours. The changes here are so radical that in another situation could perhaps be 10 years before coming to where I am this morning.

This time I have no fear, this time I'm sure the occasional demons are nothing but new challenges and that the past is full of key facts of life we \u200b\u200benjoy today.

A year after the storm I testify that everything happens, there is no eternal torment, no summers eternal.

In a life composed of cycles will be cycles where everything seems favorable, there will be cycles in which no and there will be very calm despite the contingencies inherent in life.

confidence in ourselves is necessary to keep pace, the ability to analyze and under the observation of ourselves and then the environment is essential to take adequate breaks and accelerate the pace when they believe necessary. In every break, every storm, every morning calm learn something even in difficult situations is almost imperceptible learning ...

According to my "I" version in June 2007, aimed to take stock of the damage for this date. Today there is no harm to tell, no inventory losses. There are hundreds of lessons, moments of smiles and thanks. There are great people back in this life that I should not let them go and plans to set date and time limit and be done.

In this new stage everything is new, everything is different from what we know and despite the occasional panic attacks ... I am a happy woman. Where I had wanted to be and there is a big "plus" to it; it. Today again mirror tells me that everything has a reason.

Every difficult situation is an opportunity to show us how much we can do, every change of course is a challenge to show us how far we can go. It is in every individual to live and learn every fall and during it, is we observe during storms and to live, give us the chance to suffer a bit and then start again. It required almost total destruction to begin our process of reconstruction and renewal, it is necessary to change course to change the destiny ... that target each building.

I believe in the importance of breathing deeply, to look into the faces of demons of confidence to face new challenges ... I believe in the importance of detachment and attachment. I believe in the importance of the errors and believe in the calm that follows the storm. I believe in the strengths and the challenges of every weakness. I believe in the necessary stops, in moments of stillness and walk safely, I think being afraid is a right, but not a limiting . I think we tend to underestimate the power of time in many cases and some others to overestimate shielding us, in
each individual is the power to change its direction and destination.

No deadline is not met.
on us to stay with which we serve each time and discard the rest.

With each hand, every man, every ear and every emotional crutch.
Thanks to each one of you for what was done and not done. By knowing when to stay and when to walk away a bit. Thanks to my fellow they know who they are ... Today there is no better word for you that: YOU .

One Year of Revelations ... The author is the protagonist of his life.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

How To Not Care About Anything

count A hole That I'll never quit

But I'm

a headcase if I do not keep moving

And my head hurts if I do not sit still;
It's an itch That I'll never stop scratching,
It's a hole That I'll never remove fill ...

Insomnia - Electric President

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Is It Normal To Be Wet Before

fill IT

ELLA finally rests with Him.

Finally, after 18 months they are back together and rest they deserve.

I have no words ... and that I have SHE know that only understand them.

was always my IT.
She is at peace.

Stop the clocks ...

Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,
Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,
Silence the pianos and with muffled drum
Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.

Let airplanes circle moaning overhead
Scribbling on the sky the message "He Is Dead",
Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves,
Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.

He was my North, my South, my East and West,
My working week and my Sunday rest,
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;
I thought that love would last for ever: I was wrong.

The stars are not wanted now: put out every one;
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun;
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood.
For nothing now to Any dog \u200b\u200bever eats good.

By WH Auden

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Monica Roccaforte Strap

At the end of the day. ..

Author's Note
This post I wrote on March 8 "International Women's Day" at 2: 21 am.
Out of respect for all involved somehow in the same he had left in the "freezer." Google Reader today showed me that I can hide my mistakes of the Blog, but never Google. Thus, I decide to publish it with some modifications.

know who they are.
I love them.

about 12 years ago formulated, approved and signed the "Law on Cattle " Act respecting swore to the end of our days; Law Rufle sealed with green and coke and we thought to strengthen Bailey's and Moet over the years and our majority.

Today, after 12 years, adding 3 engagement rings, wedding, 2 children over 6 and 3 ex-boyfriends careers, we recognized that no law that complied with a perfectly set table, dinner pasta and toasting with wine, confesábamos our biggest mistakes. Meanwhile on the TV someone played a character whose monologue mentioned that "a woman should not hurt another woman" and looking at each other provide for it ... Crystal Trophy knowing that the 3 we have, knowing full well that we have been the cause of another woman's tears.

also have cried, of course.
also know that feeling of helplessness.

's why we provide. For them, for the friends and for each component of the last of those who matter so much here today. For the R's, C's and E's. For the great women who know that life continues in spite of betrayal by women who can stand Great Falls, for the friends, the mothers, sisters, daughters and the complicated ... for every woman who has shed a tear for my existence ...

International Women's Day? No. .. Friday night we offer for the sake of being women, provide for the 15 years behind us, by schools and the successes, mistakes and falls, Ba, Ar and Ra.

toast to be best friends.

C and A: Some day I will have the space and the means to speak of you ... someday I will find an appropriate way to describe the years charge, stories, kisses and anecdotes.

... is that at the end of the day, we were always only 3.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Father Son Penis Size Relationship

Of the ghosts ...

All we have faced some element of someone past, including his own in more than one occasion.

There are ghosts that appear occasionally to remind us just how much we've changed and grown, what we have learned and improved.

There are ghosts that appear with greater frequency with adverse intent.

There are ghosts that we bring to this with the sole purpose of being a point of comparison with the actions of those who affect our present.

I think the ghosts should be just some of the attitudes of people who passed through our lives by marking it in some way, fulfilled a cycle and left. That is all. There should be more.

I think the ghosts should be only a few situations that we left a scar that will probably remain with us for some time.

I believe in the responsibility that comes with bringing ghosts of the past to compare with this.

I believe in the freedom of each one of us if allowed ...