Maya Jankovic surprised us in the nit de l'art de Castelló with the opening of its 4 +1 project, an interactive multimedia work in which I participate as many visitors who do not hesitate to venture, totally receptive to new ways of artistic communication.
is not the first time the Visual Arts Gallery has unveiled a draft multimedia, like the one we visited in Dorijan Kolundžija, which in this particular case, the supervisor of the Maya project.
So, you walk through the grounds takes you in surround sound and rhythm, which intertwine as the beating of a heart. The project itself is a journey through one of the vital organs, heart, hub, where you can conduct an interactive tour of the atria and ventricles.
The project is an attempt to relate and penetrate the interpersonal communication and understanding of civilization. Come together well, biological flows and cultural phenomena that are inseparable by joining the human being's basic features in Maya 4 +1.
The truth is that the gallery offers the opportunity to participate openly and experience in your own skin, sensations of various kinds. I recommend it wholeheartedly because it is a fun experience. Maya
bet, once again, by a curious proposal at the same novel in our city.
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