Josep Vallribera (Juneda 1937) us until July 16 in Gallery Cànem his exhibition "L'art Josep Vallribera total. Images, signs, concrete poetry, scripts, drips, textures, stains, light, empty spaces, suggested idea, object, poetic, and so on., Are some of the resources of this artist to create their own internal language. None of these can be definitive, rather, the desire to transgress beyond the limits of knowledge leave the door open to yet unknown.
So, leaving aside the superfluous, and its close relationship to the land, the drive is defined by the gesture, the spread of pigment, the transit of the brush, the movement of the hand or firmness of the trail.
Vallribera refers to the script through the words, goes beyond the writing formed, drawn, thanks to the gesture. The gesture, would become the essence of his writing, which is run with slackness, in draft mode, like a stain or an oversight. Since the essence of an object has something to do with his remains, not only with what is left after use, but also with what is thrown away for use. His gesture writes and narrates the experiences of a unique moment that embodies the act of creating, extending his introspective speech and their ideas about reality. His writing is decipherable but not interpretable, its function is to restore a certain vagueness. Although paradoxically, the vagueness completely exclude the idea of \u200b\u200bmystery, that more than one of us have formed to monitor their work, since vagueness is alive, keeping the act of writing, not the product. The gesture would become the supplement of an act is undetermined and endless amount of reasons, drives, sloth surrounding the act. So the artist would be a gesture filmmaker who wants to produce an effect at the same time seeks to deny. That is, effects that are not desired by him, are effects that come back, escaping and invest to fall on him. It is then that cause changes in the stroke. In the act abolishing the distinction between cause and effect, motivation and goal, expression and persuasion. By this I mean to explain that our artist did not break the causal chain of events, it stirs and remade so that it loses its original meaning. The drive is its vital element, arising from the extension of their feelings, which would correspond oriental painting with calligraphy. The graphics typical of his handwriting, we could relate to the satoris (in Japanese Zen is a sharp break, very faint at times, our logic causal), from writing, a kind of lightning are useless, they are not even Lyrics performed, obtaining suspend active being written. That is, the writing no longer resides anywhere, it goes, is superfluous.
As his work has nothing real stability and therefore lacks the precise meaning of the form. contrast, gives us the possibility of establishing a dialogue between opposites . Undoubtedly his work impacts the viewer forcefully, directly and visual nervous due to his gesture and agile.
Vallribera 's work, combines relatively paradoxical terms with what demonstrates their creative freedom, leaving behind classical figurative references to the provocative and suggestive stroke.
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