Monday, April 26, 2010

Brazilian Explicit Movies

Covers "Benedictine"

In London there are quite a stir since Pope Benedict XVI said that travels the country to present its new condom maca "Benedict", to "fuck it a heavenly experience" . Among other things during his visit to the island also intends to open a "Center of Abortion" with the slogan "illegal abortion out of this place." It also plans to bless a homosexual marriage, named "the first fucking in the church." After this last statement in the room where he gave his speech there was a general laugh, including the Supreme Pontiff, who later said: "Well, at least not in a clandestine manner. "
Today London was stunned by a wave of demonstrations, both for and against the visit of Pope Benedict. Banners like" No fucking, if pedophiles "or" Yes to free sex with papal liners "were papering the streets of the British city. placards were also some things interspersed with slogans such as" papal linings to fuck the aliens "or" I want to marry ET.


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