Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Jewel Denyle торрент


The current president of Bolivia Evo Morales, said that "men are increasingly eating chicks fucking because female hormones "adding that" the Across the pond because they eat are all stripped away, we will morochos, but we look at the hair! "to which the present responded in unison" What Pelaz !!!". These statements, although somewhat humorous, show that to the advances of technology, nothing seems to be in place. Not only are we destroying the planet with pollution of rivers and destroyed, the further we are destroying ourselves with bad food the only good they do is for the pockets of own production companies.
Another product was criticized by the president of Coca Cola. "Yes, every now and then sent me a coca leaves ... say Coca Cola. "and then added" here in Bolivia, plumbers, used to unclog the toilets "imagine the amount of rubbish that has ...
Finally, I leave you with another Evo phrase that portrays all of the above:" Planet or Death! "Joaquin M. Molinari

(correspondent in Bolivia)

PS: The quotes are not literal, any similarity with reality is purely coincidental.


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