Sunday, April 4, 2010

How Long Does Trichomoniasis In Men

Happy! Paquito

On this day, nobody stops to think about the true meaning of the puascuas (yes, for me are not Puascuas and Easter). Everything seems to be chocolate eggs and family gathering with anecdotes of our tormented childhood, not because they have been, simply because the only memories that seem to be, are those that one was put to shame or those moments you wish never happened . As my family we do not have children, give us eggs fart, let alone going to hide for the meet, which was the second most fun to this day, being the first, of course, eating eggs itself.
This festival brings a series of questions: Why the hell a rabbit delivers chocolate eggs? Should not be, minimally, an animal that lay eggs? Where shit out this celebration, perhaps a company that sold chocolates and was not enough Valentine's Day? Mercantilism
or not, relative realism or not, all wait for the blessed child puascuas rabbit to give your loved and cherished chocolate egg. And yes, that day we all want the rabbit and we all want the chocolate. The next day, we have such qualms we all hate the damn rabbit chocolate traitor and hate us so much destroyed.
To think, I leave you with that ...


PS: For those who started reading and thought I would talk about the real meaning of the puascuas, read carefully, it says "... no one stops to think ..." that includes me ...


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